The gardening tools we must have

Information about gardening tools and equipment
The best tools vary greatly depending on many factors, including your physical strength, the size of the garden, the type of soil, and even your gardening style. For example, a city dweller with a balcony needs a completely different set of tools than a homeowner with a large vegetable garden or orchard. The best way to start is with a few basic tools that can serve almost any type of gardening. You can then expand your tool set with more specialized tools, especially as your garden grows.
Gardening tools are necessary
While there are basically a wide variety of tools to choose from, here are some suggestions for basic garden and lawn tools that are essential for almost any garden and any type of garden.
Gardening Gloves
Unless you have a large garden area or a few containers, don't think about gardening until you have a good pair of gardening gloves. They don't need to be expensive, but they need to be sturdy. A comfortable pair of gloves will keep your hands clean and blister-free. Gloves also protect fingers from thorns, scars and slivers.
You will need to dig holes to grow perennial plants, annuals or onions or other small digging operations with a hand trowel. Garden trowels are also used when scooping and moving soil during potting or transferring plants.
Garden scissors
You may be surprised at how often you rely on garden scissors to trim twigs, harvest herbs, dead end plants or cut flowers. Again, these are useful tools for anyone.
Although common shovels are often used for digging, they are best suited for moving and lifting materials such as mulch, compost, soil or gravel from one area to another.
A spade is even more important than a shovel, so if your budget is limited, choose the spade and leave the spade for later use. A good spade can be used to dig up heavy soil, break dirt, remove turf, break down roots or trim a flower bed.
Hoes are mainly used for weeding and cultivation. There are many types of hoes on the market, including triangular hoes that are especially good for working in tight spots and melee hoes that cut weeds from the surface of the soil.
Garden fork
If you have a small and tidy yard, this tool may not be essential, but if you need to relax firm or rocky soil and remove clumps of vegetation, a good garden fork will serve you well without losing too much soil, or if compost or other soil modifiers need to be mixed in.
The rake
If you have trees near your house, you must use a leaf rake. If you need to level the soil surface or use compost or fertilizer, use a steel rake. Most vegetable gardeners rely on steel rakes.
Different Types of Lawn Tools -- Even if your lawn is a little small, certain types of equipment must provide adequate lawn care and maintenance. The two most common types are the lawn mower and the lawn mower.
Lawn mower: Of all the tools we need, the most important is a high quality lawn mower. Whether it's a traditional lawn mower, a self-propelled lawn mower, or a lawn mower is up to you, and in many cases, the decision will depend on the size of the lawn. Those with large volumes may want to study the time-saving benefits of riding mowers, while those who maintain smaller areas may only need a cheap push mower. Options like soil mulcher and bagging machine can also save a lot of time. A good lawn mower should be an investment in the appearance of the lawn, while a well-made lawn mower will last for years. There are many choices to choose from, so it is worth shopping before you make your decision.
A lawn mower: A lawn mower is another must-have tool. These handy little machines can greatly reduce your workload, and if you don't already, then you'll probably hit the market at some point. For places where hard-to-reach lawnmowers can't reach, weeding foods are the best option. When buying weed eaters, it's best to consider their weight, power and cost. While a strong weed food may be helpful for weeds working in the short term, it can also be heavy to carry around.
- baohaojing