Anyone who ONLY cares about product quality is in the right place. The bags are fantastic. When it comes to everything else that may be important to a purchaser (customer), you need to keep shopping. I say that because I called the number on the Flora- Guard website and it rings, it answers and says THEY ARE NOT ACCEPTING CALLS. I emailed to get no reply! I waited weeks and finally gave up. A few hours before I was going to contact Paypal, they finally showed up. If that's not enough, I HATE AMAZON AND EVERYTHING ABOUT AMAZON. I go out of my way to AVOID Amazon! Flora-Guard gets them from CHINA and has Amazon ship them. I ordered direct from the manufacturer to avoid that. It was delivered by Amazon. I wish I had bought any other brand. I'm a firm believer that PRODUCTS ARE ONLY AS GOOD AS THE PEOPLE WHO BACK THEM. As far as I'm concerned, it took weeks for them to do bad business.